Sunday, June 15, 2008

Around the Ghats.

I watched as the boatmen bailed out water as quick as their hands could move, it did not inspire confidence in the sea worthiness and as for the over loading....??

Removals the Indian way, it's the only way in the small Ghats!

This looks like hard work and the temperature is 45 c.

When I arrived in Varanasi, I’d heard so much about the place from TV and from other travelers, my expectations were pretty high. Although not disappointed, there were some things that I wasn’t ready for, such as the walk down the Ghats - which to anyone who’s not familiar with the place are – small lanes that line the River Ganges. It’s possible when the river is not too high to walk the length of these Ghats following the river. But be warned it must qualify as the world’s longest urinal and the smell is enough to bring the cremated bodies back to life.

Don’t let this stop you from enjoying your daily swim in the river and as most people that do swim in the river do drink it. The Indian stomach is made of cast iron. Not forgetting the washing of clothes, buffalo and dead bodies that are rotting at the bottom of the river.

1 comment:

Amrita said...

Your pictures are very good.

I find Varanasi very dirty.And the river is so polluted.
Are you travelling through other cities of UP?